Written December 19, 2019 REPOSTED
For years I feel like things have been taking place in my life that is guiding me to a very specific direction. I am someone who is a GO! DO! I will not go anywhere or do anything without connecting it to another task. My brain is constantly moving and thinking and chugging and idea-ing. Honestly…it's exhausting. And for years I have questioned WHY?! Why am I this way?
Many nights I desired a peace that I didn't even fully understand. In my quest to find the “me” definition I was seeking, I thought I could find it in the things I did. In the process I began to pick up more and fill my plate even fuller-'maybe this will work', I would think. There was a fear that I DIDN’T WANT TO MISS IT …so with every single opportunity, I took it on: There was a time that with everything I was tackling, I was waking up between 4:00-5:00 every morning; hiring a sitter just to get work done; falling asleep at the computer many nights; putting movies on for my kids who were not yet in school so I could plug in working hours during the day…I ignored invitations to do things, and go places. I did everything I possibly could to make sure that no opportunity passed me by.
Many nights I desired a peace that I didn't even fully understand. In my quest to find the “me” definition I was seeking, I thought I could find it in the things I did. In the process I began to pick up more and fill my plate even fuller-'maybe this will work', I would think. There was a fear that I DIDN’T WANT TO MISS IT …so with every single opportunity, I took it on: There was a time that with everything I was tackling, I was waking up between 4:00-5:00 every morning; hiring a sitter just to get work done; falling asleep at the computer many nights; putting movies on for my kids who were not yet in school so I could plug in working hours during the day…I ignored invitations to do things, and go places. I did everything I possibly could to make sure that no opportunity passed me by.
I missed it all. With every single thing I added to my plate, I let go of something else. Right around Christmas 2016 when I was pregnant with Parker, I began hearing God tell me to empty my plate. Start removing things. And at first I thought, "There is no way. I would be leaving someone hanging in the process. But slowly and with the most beautiful amount of patience I didn't deserve, God reminded me again and again. He held my hand every time He whispered "It will be ok" and I cried shaking my head saying "but how?!" Over the following two years, I S-L-O-W-L-Y began letting go and opening my heart to God allowing Him to breath into me my worth through HIS eyes. It was time to slow down. It was time to refocus. It was time to let go.
Sitting. Resting. Pondering. Slowly. Developing. These are not words I hold in my vocabulary very easily. But it was exactly what God was asking me to do. Slow down and Hear HIM. It didn’t matter how much I was trying to do for others or for my family. I was still missing God because of how noisy my life had become. Little by little, things were cleared from my plate and with each one, it wasn't the feeling of failure I dreaded…it was a sigh of relief. A breath of God's fresh air.
One morning while praying I was given a picture of the scene right before a horse race begins….I was inside the tiny stall the horse and rider are put into. I heard every noise, felt the overwhelming chaos, the unsettling jumpiness of bumping back and forth into the sides with the smallest movements; These horses were ready for the gate to be opened and the opportunity for them to DO what they have been training tirelessly to do. But as long as the gate stays closed, they remain waiting anxiously and impatiently inside.
I saw that I was one of God’s horses…. I recognized how hard it felt to be kept in the little stall….over and over again bumping into the sides and feeling trapped. I knew I was one of His called (as are each of us) I confessed my readiness and dedication to serve Him and love on people in His name. But I also recognized how hard it was to hear His voice above the noise. I didn’t want to stay in this stall anymore than the horses do before the big race. But I knew in my heart, this was where God asked me to be.
This has become my waiting spot over the years. The slowly letting go of things that God was asking me to let go of until it was only me and Him and I feel I have finally hit that spot of understanding a complete and total surrender. He has shown me what it means to wait: To still myself in His presence. To focus through the noise of what is surrounding me daily. To listen intently for His voice. To feel His presence through the pain and despite fidgeting uncomfortably and wanting to break free in a FULL on sprint, I knew He was teaching me how to let go of my good ideas and my plans and my timing and trust Him.
This has become my waiting spot over the years. The slowly letting go of things that God was asking me to let go of until it was only me and Him and I feel I have finally hit that spot of understanding a complete and total surrender. He has shown me what it means to wait: To still myself in His presence. To focus through the noise of what is surrounding me daily. To listen intently for His voice. To feel His presence through the pain and despite fidgeting uncomfortably and wanting to break free in a FULL on sprint, I knew He was teaching me how to let go of my good ideas and my plans and my timing and trust Him.
Maybe you are in your own stall. I don't know when God is opening my gate any more than I know when He will open yours. He reminds that it will happen. But in the meantime, don’t try to break out. Trust Him. Stop and listen to what He is trying to teach you. Chances are, if you feel He has put you in a time of waiting, He has something important for you to learn. And believe that even in that stall, He is using you in big ways. It may not always feel like it, but what you do behind that closed gate can make more of an impact in His kingdom than in front of a crowd of millions.
(Photo not my own)
(Photo not my own)