So as I mentioned before we are in the middle of a move. This leg of the transition started around April and the kids have been doing so amazing with everything and for that I am so grateful.
Once upon a time I was terrified to speak.....and then God gave me a story to tell. And here I am. A Christ follower, a mom of five, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend....a warrior. Believing for the impossible because God makes all things possible.
Friday, June 25, 2021
61. The God of ALL children
60. Speak LIFE
Over the course of my life, I have had strep throat, chicken pox, scarlet fever, whopping cough, pneumonia (many times), THE flu, shingles, endometritis and Strep A sepsis. Of course, along the way, I have also had my fair share of the common colds among other things that didn’t get an official diagnosis. Sepsis was by far the worst I have ever lived through, (although many of these that I mentioned could very easily send people into panic now a days). One of the things that I found the hardest to deal with, was the vagueness of the doctors while I was in the hospital. It wasn’t until I found another Infectious disease doctor a month later did someone tell us how bad it actually was and how close it was to having a very different outcome; it wasn’t until then that we even knew I had been in the last stages of sepsis. As we learned piece by piece what I had actually just lived through, reality hit many times over. I was very close to dying.
59. Unfinished Projects
I thank God that He is so very patient with us. No matter what task we have been putting off or dragging our feet in or ignoring.....He never gives up on us to do what is right and He is always cheering us on. Every step we take can be a step closer to Him...IF WE INCLUDE HIM IN OUR DAILY WALK. The opposite is also true....every step we take can be a step further away from Him if we choose not to include Him in our DAILY life.
58. Intercession
This was something I wrote after a prayer experience in my living room On May 2, 2020:
57. Journals and Jesus
So confession time. I started sharing my journals and journal making endeavors here on this page and I froze. Ugh.....Not a very proud moment.
56. U turn
Last night I began praying and was prompted to pull out the post-it notes off my “battle wall”. I prayed through them one at a time. The one that completed my prayer time with the Lord came from 2 Peter 3:9 that says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
55. Shame
Over this past year, the Lord has shown me that I walk in the gift of prophecy and intercession. The tug on my heart to begin speaking to people in real life (Not just through social media) has become very strong. As He has continued to reveal this gift to me, teaching me how to walk in it, He’s also revealed something within me that is still keeping me bound from really stepping out. About a month or so ago at a conference, I found myself confiding in a friend of mine about this. We talked a little about fear but right away I knew it wasn’t fear. Even still, I recognize that when I’m put on the spot, no matter how I feel about it, I totally shut down and I don’t know why. I can’t see straight, I can’t breath, I can’t think. I shut down. Still bothered by it, I went home and asked God to show me what it was- What was shutting me down. I prayed for further revelation. That night, the Lord gave me a dream:
54. Lord have your way...
The other day the thought hit me: that for some reason, after I made it to the one year of recovery after sepsis, I thought it was somehow going to be the ending point.
53. Student of Jesus
7 years ago I didn't own a Bible. I didn't even know the last time I read one. 7 years ago I didn't attend church. I was too busy....with stuff. I didn't know much about salvation or the promises of Jesus.
52. Tug of War
For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with self esteem and self worth. My past is really what kept me tripped up. I didn’t see it then, but as I look back, I can clearly see the spiritual battle that raged over me while growing up. I often found myself wondering how in the world I ever escaped the dark path I was heading down. The real kicker was that I was not following Jesus for any of it. In fact most of my childhood into adulthood, I just didn’t want anything to do with Him. It wasn’t that I didn’t know who He was (my mom took us to church), but at some point in my life, I made a choice to live without Him.
51. Walk in freedom
Written July 31, 2020
When I was a kid, I was gripped in fear. When I say gripped, I mean utterly and entirely paralyzed and consumed by fear. Fear of what you may ask? Sickness. Disease. Uncontrollable illness. I was terrified of getting sick. And I was terrified of somehow giving others I love a sickness. Hopeless. Darkness. Isolation. Gripping Fear. Petrified. Evil. These were things I remember feeling as I laid awake in bed night after night as a child with images flashing through my head of horrific ways sickness and disease would kill me and my family.
That fear of sickness grew. It didn’t only stay within the walls of my health and the health of those around me. No-when we let fear go unaddressed, it consumes. Slowly but surely, without me even realizing it, fear made its way into every corner of my life. When I became an adult, I had let fear take its course and I was no longer living but hiding from things I couldn’t control. Again, I was bound. I was paralyzed. I was consumed.
When I found Jesus in 2014 this was something the Lord began to work on right away. Little by little, He took me on a journey to address the issue of fear that the enemy had used to bind and control me my entire life. Little by little, the Lord spoke into situations in my life and the chains of fear began to fall-one link at a time. For five years, I walked a journey with the Holy Spirit where He was healing me and speaking into the fear that I was walking in since childhood.
In 2019 I got sick. Without warning-the worst nightmare I had as a child was coming true. Despite the sanitary conditions I was told I was in (experts, doctors, masks, gloves, plastic, sterilization, etc) the bacteria somehow made it into my bloodstream. It infected me from the inside out and was slowing eating away. I was sick with something that nearly killed me and left my husband and five children without a wife and mother. There weren’t answers. No one can tell me why or how I got it. No one can tell me if I will get it again. No one can tell me why I turned septic. No one can tell me why after 36+ hours untreated, I was still alive. No one can tell me. But the Lord spoke to me again and again through the entire thing. There was an incredible peace within me as I was pricked, poked, tested, and watched to see if I would live. As my body was slowly dying, He brought me peace. HE was in control. Whether I lived or whether I died. HE was in control. Not me. Not the doctors. Not the nurses. Not even the medicine.
When I did walk out of the hospital, another link in the chain of fear fell. My perspective of sickness has forever shifted. I know My God is in control. No matter what people try to tell me. I have NO control over sickness-whether I will get it or whether I will give it. I cannot control my time on this earth any more than I can control someone else’s. And He finally taught me how to release that to Him. After 5 years of healing my heart, He walked me through my worst fear as a child. The fear that began the downward spiral of my life. He addressed it head on and He showed me where HE would be every single step of the way. After that, I walked through an intense year of PTSD-a spiritual battle unlike any I have ever experienced in my life. One I do not believe I would have been able to walk through had that fear not been addressed. The last chain fell. I was set free.
I have only wore a mask a couple of times and my spirit was unsettled. As I dug into it asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what was in my heart, He answered me. Now, when I look at the mask in my hands, when I think about putting it on, I think of the childhood fear that started it all. Even though I know so many want me to, I cannot see the mask as a means of protection. I cannot see the mask as a way to “control” a virus. What I see when I look at the mask are the two things that the enemy used to control me: 1.The fear of getting sick. And 2. The fear of maybe or maybe not being a carrier and making someone else sick. The truth is, I cannot put that mask back on my face.
Whether you agree with me or not, that is up to you. I’m not asking for man’s approval. Regardless of all the pressure from the society, this is what I will say:
I walked an entire life gripped with fear. And I will NEVER willingly step back into the bondage that the Lord has set me free from. Those chains were broken by the power and blood of Jesus Christ. And I will walk in the freedom the Lord has given me. I will put my trust in Him. If I am right or wrong, it is only for the Lord to say. And until He tells me otherwise, I will not walk back into the place He just set me free from. And no matter what happens to me in this lifetime, I know He has the power to heal. I know He is good. I know whose I am. I know the one who leads me and no matter what happens I will always praise HIS name above all else. And I know He wants me to share my testimony so others know they don’t have to walk in fear either.
If you are battling fear in any area of your life…..please reach out to me. I want to talk with you. I want to pray with you. Freedom is found in the Lord. And He wants to set you free from the fear that may be gripping you as well.
50. Invisible Momma
Some days I feel invisible.
49. This is my angry face...
Two days ago I was angry.
Then, as I often do before the kids get up, I made some coffee and jumped on facebook. And it bubbled. Ugh. Sadness turned to frustration and frustration to anger. Friends, we have an opportunity right now in this very moment. We each have a platform and it is up to us how we use it. There is no doubt that this is a trying time for EVERYONE and I believe it is clear to everyone what is happening….
PAUSE. Ok friends, I had a long list of yucky things that I am seeing circulating facebook that I was all ready to call attention to. I don’t complain much-at least I try not to but I couldn’t take it anymore-I was ready to give the facebook world a piece of my mind. I know many of you know what I am talking about without me even having to go into details about some of the stuff we are seeing going around. Even though I knew I had valid points, I couldn’t bring myself to post it and decided to sleep on it.
The next morning I woke up and stumbled upon the scripture in Jonah 4:4-10
“But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?” Jonah had gone out and sat down at a place east of the city. There he made himself a shelter, sat in its shade and waited to see what would happen to the city. Then the Lord God provided a leafy plant and made it grow up over Jonah to give shade for his head to ease his discomfort, and Jonah was very happy about the plant. But at dawn the next day God provided a worm, which chewed the plant so that it withered. When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah’s head so that he grew faint…But God said to Jonah, “Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?” “It is,” he said. “And I’m so angry I wish I were dead.” But the Lord said, “You have been concerned about this plant, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up over night and died overnight.”
We all have things we can complain about and we may even have completely valid points and real zingers that will leave their mark. But that is not what God is calling us to do. Facebook can be a beautiful platform for the love of God to be shared-we have been given the opportunity to use it wisely. But everyone has been given the same opportunity and many don’t use it to highlight the good in this world often becoming the worm without even realizing it. But regardless of what we see, we have a choice in how we respond. If I decided to post my frustration, wouldn’t that make me just another voice in the crowd when God calls us to stand out from the crowd? So I wonder, how do we respond when the world makes us angry? We tend to the plant. We care for the plant. We water it and help it to grow. But it is not our job to change the plant. We must leave that up to God. We all have a choice moving forward:highlight the beautiful side of humanity or share the doom and gloom.We all have a choice to seek the stories that are worth sharing. The articles worth reading. We have the choice to be the voice that lifts others up (even the ones who are tearing people down) to perhaps show them a kindness they may never have experienced before. We have a choice in what we post and what we say. It does not mean we have to entertain negativity. It means we love like Jesus and let God take care of the rest
48. Push back the darkness
During a worship experience at a conference a few weeks back, I found myself very tuned in to what was happening around me. As I quieted my voice to soak in the sound of others singing and praising the Lord, it was as if my senses were being heightened and the Holy Spirit was leading me to listen and watch. I saw a large black hole fill my entire vision. I was standing just outside the hole but it was no doubt inviting me in. As I continued to hear the music and voices around me, I noticed the hole began to be pushed back and as it did, it got smaller and smaller until it disappeared into the distance.
This was a dream I had awhile ago. I felt it was time to share it... I was at a beach resort-like place. There was a long coastline with h...
This… was me.I was a college student doing a self portrait for my photography class. As I tried to brainstorm ways to illustrate who I was ...
Written December 27, 2019 REPOST This Christmas season was unexpectedly challenging for me. And when I say unexpected…..I totally mean ...
62. Storm: A prophetic dream
This was a dream I had awhile ago. I felt it was time to share it... I was at a beach resort-like place. There was a long coastline with h...