So as I mentioned before we are in the middle of a move. This leg of the transition started around April and the kids have been doing so amazing with everything and for that I am so grateful.
A few nights ago the kids had a very busy weekend and they were exhausted....I mean verge of complete melt downs exhaustion. On the way back from family, we had to stop at our “old“ house to grab something because we weren’t staying there that night. The kids got out and played in the yard for a bit while we talked to our neighbors and I could really feel the sense of ’comfort zone’ starting to set in with everyone.
As we got in the car to leave, it was the first time (since April) I heard all of the kids say they didn’t want to move anymore. Each one of them expressed in their very own way and I could feel the exhaustion and see the tears and sadness start to creep in as their little minds turned. My mommy guard went up knowing good and well the enemy capitalizes on emotion and exhaustion-it’s a feast when they happen at the same time.
As soon as we got to where we were staying it was bedtime. Slow...sad....and tired. I am a classic bottler of emotions and thoughts and I know how toxic it can be when it is all kept inside. I began to warrior pray over my kids-putting myself in between them and the enemy and applying the blood of Jesus over all of them. I asked the older kids if any of them wanted to talk about anything but no one was interested. I wanted to help them through this season and these emotions so desperately but didn’t know how.
What do I do? My heart wanted to protect them so much. (I remember moves as a kid that were so hard for me too) I asked the Lord as I prayed in the Spirit. My desperation was stilled as if He was gently putting His reassuring hand on my shoulder as if saying...
”You did good mom. I’ll take it from here.”
He then prompted me to put together a soft soaking playlist of worship music and scripture filled with truth and comfort for them to fall asleep to.
“Let ME minister to them.” I felt as if He was saying to me. My worries were stilled and I trusted Him. It was such a sweet sweet moment and a very powerful reminder....
When we can’t reach our children; when we don’t know the words to say or the things to do; when they won’t talk about how they feel; when you are desperate to protect them and don’t know how.....HE DOES. He reaches all the places we can reach and He reaches all the places we can’t reach with our kids. Obediently following where He leads us as parents, sometimes requires us to take a step back, release the reigns and remember that He is the same God for all His children no matter their age. He is their Protector. Their Comforter. Their Healer. Their Friend. It is our job to introduce our children to Him, to lead them to Him and open the door to the Holy Spirit to move in their lives, speaking to their hearts where we can’t.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” Matthew 19: 14
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