New perspective. I have wanted to use this picture for many things since taking it weeks ago. Each time I tried to piece it with one of my thoughts, the connection just didn’t fit and it felt forced. So I held onto it. And waited…
This weekend I was at a conference. It was a life giving powerful movement of the Holy Spirit-nothing like I have ever been a part of before. In just one day, six people approached me to either pray for me or give me a prophetic word. SIX. Friends, I have been encouraged throughout the years with compliments from others (that which I am very grateful for), and some may have spoken prophetically without even knowing it, but in the six years I have been a follower of Jesus, I have never been loved on by the big C church the way I was this past weekend. Many churches today do not walk in the prophetic. Some don’t even emphasize prayer but in the six years I have walked with the Lord, it was the first time the Church was speaking personally into my life allowing the Holy Spirit’s words to flow to me. And I realize, THIS. This is what church is meant to be. We (the followers of Jesus) are meant to speak His life giving words into others individually-not just depending on a message from the pulpit.
But here’s the thing about what was spoken over me: Every single word was from someone I didn’t know (other than one person) and they hit on a very real, very difficult point of my life. Every single word addressed lies that I was believing about myself and my situations. The Lord was there to correct the lies with HIS truth and He spoke through others to do it. He wanted me to see me through His eyes….no longer my own.
Then one of the speakers told us to close our eyes and ask the Lord this question: “Lord, how do you see me?” Immediately I hear the word “Meek” and my heart sank. In my mind meek=mouse like; timid; One who is weak and hides. But I know I hear from the Lord so I took the word ‘meek’ and looked it up. The actual definition of meek is “quiet, gentle and easily imposed on; submissive.” I liked quiet and gentle. I could embrace that as positive qualities but the other two were hard for me to accept-especially submissive. I thought about all the things we encounter here on this earth and how being submissive felt like yet another weakness. But the Lord wasn’t done with me yet…. so I typed “submissive” into the Bible app on my phone.
“I will walk (in submissive wonder) before the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalms 116:9
“Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; Tremble (in submissive wonder) before Him, all the earth.” Psalms 96:9
Scripture after scripture followed with the words ‘submissive wonder’……and I felt the negative weight I put on the word “submissive” literally melt off of me.
My point my friends, is so often we can look at things and situations right in front of us and decide what they mean. We can look at ourselves and others and make the assumptions we want about who we are and who they are. We can even hear words from the Lord (like I did) and put our own definition on it.
If we do not take off our glasses; if we do not let HIM correct our way of thinking, our way of approaching life; the way we see others; the way we see ourselves; And if we do not start acting like the Church God intended us to be, others will never get to experience who He truly is and we will never be able to step into the fullness of what God wants to do in and through us.
Let Him correct your vision. He is preparing His Church to unleash His power on earth in the days to come. And it starts by laying down our own glasses, stepping into HIS perspective and choosing to walk in HIS truth.
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