I believe we are in a time where distraction is running wild. The ultimate ploy of the enemy is to keep our minds and hearts running in circles until we can no longer think clearly. The crazy thing about distraction is that we often don’t realize we are being distracted. The enemy wants us to be focused on things of this world-encouraging us to put our hope and faith into people and things that ultimately will fade away.
Don’t let the noise distract you from the promise of eternity in heaven for those who choose to accept Jesus. Don’t let the noise distract you from finding out who He is. We all need to know that there is a God who loves us dearly and wants to see each person turn from the world and run into His arms. Every person needs to know that they have a choice; a choice of where we will spend eternity. Jesus died for YOU and me so that OUR sins may be forgiven. He suffered and after three days He defeated death and rose again and because of that, His resurrection power is alive and real and His power and authority is transferred to those who believe. Healing and miracles still happen; peace can still be found and hope is never lost.
I do not pretend to know it all or that I have figured it all out and I certainly won’t fake an understanding when there is none. But I have experienced enough struggle, challenge, judgement and conflict within myself, with others and situations in my lifetime. Because of this, I have recognized that we are prone to make mistakes and confusion, fear, offense and chaos is a game of the enemy-one that is so easy to step into and often we willingly accept it as “normal”.
But with that, I have also experienced the true and pure nature of Jesus Christ. He has stepped in and healed situations that were beyond humanly fixing. I have witnessed and experienced His redeeming power; The cleansing that happens when we accept the gift of salvation He has waiting for us; The peace that comes in a world of uncertainties and unanswered questions when we step away from the he-said-she-said conversations and seek HIS truth.
And because of such things, I will not put my faith in man nor rules, studies or opinions. But with careful consideration and prayer, at the end of the day, I choose to put my faith in the only one that remains steadfast and true. Jesus Christ. My truth is found in His word. He is my solid ground. I will proudly turn from the ways of this world and seek HIS kingdom and follow HIS command on my life.
Whether my decisions are right or wrong, only the Lord can say. Truly I am doing my best to navigate this world, not only for me but for the five precious little humans God has given me. And I believe that many of you will say the same. Where is the grace for one another? I believe instead of fighting each other, we must recognize that at every angle, there is a spiritual battle raging and it’s for the hearts of ALL people. The enemy will stop at nothing to keep us from Jesus and he will use anyone and anything he can to do it…especially each other.
I believe the Lord has put me here to remind you of how very precious you are to Him. He sees you. He knows you. He loves you. He wants you. He may not always love our actions or our choices (again, we all fall short)….but the YOU I’m talking about, He loves dearly. And no one is ever too far from Him to return to the path of righteousness.
We live in a wishy-washy world and I’m sure you can agree, it is exhausting. I want you to know, I’m tired too. I’m stretched beyond any stretching I want to do. And I can honestly say, that the only decision I have ever made that was an easy decision and one I have never regretted, was choosing to follow the Lord. No matter your circumstance and despite all the million decisions that must be made daily (many of which make people angry for one reason or another anyways) the only true decision that will matter in the end is if you will make Jesus Lord and Savior of YOUR Life or not.
So in a world where everyone wants to be right about masks, and medicine, and color and vaccines, and police and rights, and school, and disease, and health, and experts, and articles and politics and religion, and numbers, and statistics… please know I am here when you need to rest. I am here when you need a safe place to talk. I will meet you in the laughter and I will cry right along with you my friend. I will pray FOR you. I will pray WITH you. I will seek answers to your questions from the only one who can give answers and walk with you as you do the same. And the only finger I want to be pointing is one that points you to Him. Because I love you so very very much…..but I know that He loves you more.