A few months ago during worship, my ear began to itch. It was so obnoxious that I actually wrote it down as I journaled through worship. A couple days later I was reminded of this scripture in 2 Timothy 4:3
“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.“
For years many have become deceived. For years many have been led astray. For years many have gone the “you do you” route and excused behavior because it suits a desired lifestyle. Sin is being overlooked and even praised. Hate is being elevated. satanic worship and witchcraft is being platformed and used as “entertainment.” And many are giving reassuring reasons why it all is now “ok”
But be strong, my Church family. You have been called into position to be a warrior in Christ’s army. What you have faced In life up to this point has been training grounds. Trust the Lord has already given you everything you will need to walk the days ahead with courage, strength and unshakable faith. DO NOT STAY SILENT. People need to hear who Jesus is before it is too late. GUARD YOUR HEART. Do not be swayed by the happenings of what is around us. Do not fall into the distraction of politics to keep you from speaking the word of God, even when it feels as if no one is listening.
If you don’t know Jesus yet, do not wait...As we are all seeing, things are literally changing over night and the idea that tomorrow is never promised is even more real each day. And if one thing is for certain, the days of yesterday that we remember look nothing like the days of tomorrow. But the Lord God is in them all and HE NEVER CHANGES.
Whether you are a follower and need support or whether you are not a follower and really don’t know where you stand, please reach out....if you are reading this, you cannot say you don’t know who to talk to. Message me. I will talk to you. I will pray with you. And I will continue to pray for you. You are never alone.
Because I love you....and HE loves you more.
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